Acupuncture is an ancient system of complementary medicine that has been practiced for over 2,000 years. Traditional acupuncture is based on a model of balance and equilibrium, which has been refined and developed over time and is widely accepted throughout the world.
How can Acupuncture benefit me?
The aim of every treatment is to stimulate the body’s own response, to restore and maintain health, by inserting a small number of very fine needles into acupuncture points along meridian lines to re-establish the smooth flow of Qi (pronounced ‘chee’). Traditionally Acupuncture looks to reduce symptoms by balancing the whole, so whatever your condition, your practitioner will make their own diagnosis based on external signs of your body, such as your tongue and pulse. This philosophy means that it doesn’t matter what is wrong with you, whether you have an obvious problem or just a vague collection of symptoms, there is a possibility that by putting you back in balance your symptoms and health will improve.
About Acupuncture
Acupuncture is an ancient system of complementary medicine that has been practiced for over 2,000 years. It developed as part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with an outlook different to Western Medicine. It sees the body as an interaction of energies that maintain homeostasis and therefore health. You might have a pain in your shoulder or be finding it difficult to get pregnant, but the underlying cause could be linked to a deeper imbalance.
The aim of every treatment is to stimulate the body’s own response, to restore and maintain health, by inserting a small number of very fine needles into acupuncture points along meridian lines to re-establish the smooth flow of Qi (pronounced ‘chee’).
Qi is also known as “vital”, or “metabolic”, energy and in Chinese Medicine underlies balance within the body. When Qi becomes blocked or depleted, the result is illness or pain. Each patient is treated individually and two patients with the same Western Medical diagnosis will not necessarily receive the same treatment.
Five Element Acupuncture is a part of TCM that looks at the body as though controlled by five different qualities which need to be in balance for health. Your practitioner will make their diagnosis, through taking a medical history, examining your tongue and feeling your pulse. will gently place their needles at positions that relieve blockages, stimulate weakness, or calm the tissue down, to restore balance.
They may also use Moxibustion (Heat from a herbal stick) in conjunction with needles or on its own. TCM practitioners also advice on lifestyle and diet, according to traditional principles.
What does it treat?
Acupuncture is a system of medicine that is considered to be beneficial for a wide range of illnesses and symptoms, here are a few for which there is some evidence of its help.
Anxiety and Depression
Abdominal pain
Allergic Rhinitis
Cancer Pain
Chronic Back Pain
Dental Pain
Induction of Labour
Knee Pain
Neck Pain
Menstrual Cramps
Malposition of foetus
Morning Sickness
Nausea & Vomiting
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Tennis Elbow
Meet Your Practitioner
Jasbinder Chana
BSc (Hons), Lic.Ac., MBAA
Jasbinder practices an integrated method of acupuncture incorporating Constitutional Five Element and Traditional Chinese styles. This approach allows Jasbinder to treat her patients holistically, promoting natural healing by encouraging the body into a state of balance. She came to acupuncture after a long career in financial services, having personally experienced the benefits of acupuncture for her gynaecological issues. This amazing introduction not only resolved her menstrual pain, regulated her cycles and helped her feel better physically but also emotionally, with more energy and less stress.
Treating a wide range of conditions and ailments, Jasbinder strongly believes that acupuncture can help everyone to regain a natural sense of balance and wellbeing in their lives. Each treatment is tailored to the individual. She aims to identify and treat the root cause of a health problem, which brings longer lasting benefits. Her treatment strategies are designed to complement conventional medicine, and can be safely used for patients of all ages.She has a special interest in treating musculoskeletal, gynaecological and fertility issues and has undertaken further specialist training in these areas. She also offers cosmetic acupuncture, Guasha, cupping and Tui Na massage.
What our customers say
“Many years ago, I had a frozen shoulder after an accident which physiotherapy and even surgery did not help. I had 2 acupuncture appointments and it was freed, so when I got Sciatica I went straight to Damon and in just one appointment it disappeared. Then 3 days before my son’s wedding I got bursitis diagnosed by my GP who advised acupuncture. I went straight to Damon, and once again, one appointment saved “the day “as I’d spent a fortune on that dress. I was so thankful.”
“My family have been treated by Damon for a number of years and have benefitted immensely. From migraine and joint pain to low energy and low mood and always a listening ear. The list is endless! We highly recommend Damon, and frequently do!”
“Damon brings a kind and empathetic approach to acupuncture to add to the efficacy of the treatment.”
“Recently I got blinding headaches that came from nowhere, had MRI scans etc, couldn’t detect why. Went to Damon, and once again, he worked his magic on me. I would heartily recommend Damon as a fantastic, very professional, health practitioner. I have recommended him to several friends who have all had successful outcomes with Damon. I cannot sing his praises more fervently. Acupuncture is painless, non-invasive and really does work!”
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